Published : JULY 18, 2022 | Vol. I Issue: 33

Paul Slansky comments on Roe v. Wade

PUBLISHED: JULY 18, 2022 | by the Constitutional Rights Centre

The Supreme Court of the United States (“SCOTUS”) released the final version of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 597 U.S. __ (2022) on June 24, 2022 overruling Roe v. Wade.

Canadians are concerned about its possible impact on Canadian abortion rights. Canadians need not be overly concerned. This case is a political reaction to American circumstances and it likely will have little if any impact in Canada.

Click image below to read more…


Paul Slansky, Operational Co-Director (Criminal and Quasi-Criminal)


As always thanks for your support of the CRC



Published : FEB. 2 , 2022 | Vol. I Issue: 32

Rocco Galati Update

PUBLISHED: FEBRUARY 2, 2022 | by the Constitutional Rights Centre

I hope everybody is doing well in their struggles towards regaining our constitutional rights and freedoms. At the moment, I would like to say the following:

(1) the vicious, vile, and fascist rumours of my premature death are somewhat exaggerated.

(2) I am currently recuperating from a ten (10) day coma.

(3) I will be in contact again when I am fully recovered. God willing.

Rocco Galati, BA, LLB, LLM, Executive Director


As always thanks for your support of the CRC



Published : AUG. 28 , 2021 | Vol. I Issue: 31

Action4Canada & other Plaintiffs launch comprehensive challenge to COVID Measures in British Columbia.

PUBLISHED: AUGUST 28, 2021 | by the Constitutional Rights Centre

Action4Canada and other Plaintiffs launch comprehensive challenge to COVID Measures in British Columbia.

On the basis of this filed claim, an injunction is being prepared to stay the “Vaccine Passport” provisions announced in British Columbia.

Click here to access the statement of claim. (PDF)


Thank you for your continued and kind support of the CRC
– Click video below to watch –


Rocco Galati, BA, LLB, LLM, Executive Director

Published : AUG. 23 , 2021 | Vol. I Issue: 30

Your Rights to decline a Vaccine in the context of Employment ~ Re-Published.

RE-PUBLISHED: AUGUST 23, 2021 | by the Constitutional Rights Centre

Constitutional Rights Centre, In view of current events on mandatory vaccination policies throughout our employment sector(s), both public and private, the CRC is re-publishing our video on your rights to decline a vaccine in the context of employment, which was posted March 8, 2021.

The discussion in this video equally applies to Universities and Colleges and their vaccination policies.


Thank you for your continued and kind support of the CRC

Rocco Galati, BA, LLB, LLM, Executive Director