Published : MAY 12, 2021 | Vol. I Issue: 21

Defending Children’s Rights – Post Press Conference Interview

PUBLISHED: MAY 12, 2021 | by the Constitutional Rights Centre

Watch our video interview with CRC Operational Co-Director, and legal expert (lawyer) in the area of children’s rights.

Amina Sherazee discusses the rights and best interests of the child, including how governments and society at large have completely failed our children.

In fact, it has caused more suffering to them under these emergency measures.

Please watch the Post PRESS CONFERENCE interview video below.


Thank you for your continued and kind support of the CRC


Rocco Galati, BA, LLB, LLM, Executive Director

Published : MAY 10, 2021 | Vol. I Issue: 20

Defending Children’s Rights – School Court Application

PUBLISHED: MAY 10, 2021 | by the Constitutional Rights Centre

Please watch our press conference of May 6th, 2020, setting out our school application against the school lockdowns and other measures.

The Application was filed April 20th, 2021.
See the notice of application on our website.

The lawyers for the Attorney General have asked the Court to summarily dismiss the Application without any hearing under Rule 2.1.01(1) of the Rules.

They had done the same thing with the Police Officer’s Application.

However, the Court on May 5th, 2021, DENIED the government lawyers’ request in the Police application. See the court order on our website.

Please watch the PRESS CONFERENCE video below.

Thank you for your continued and kind support of the CRC


Rocco Galati, BA, LLB, LLM, Executive Director

Published : MAY 4, 2021 | Vol. I Issue: 19

Police take Court Action against Ontario Government over COVID Measures Enforcement Duties

PUBLISHED: MAY 4, 2021 | by the Constitutional Rights Centre

This is the press conference of the application by police officers filed with the Superior Court to clarify their duties, discretion and obligations under the COVID Measures.

The day after we served the Notice of Application, lawyers for the Attorney General wrote a letter to the Court, for the Court to issue an order to show cause as to why the Court should not dismiss the case, on the “Court’s own motion”, for being a “frivolous, vexatious and abusive” case, pursuant to Rule 2.1.

The Crown lawyers do not provide a basis as to why it is so we can respond, but if an order is issued, we are allotted 10 pages maximum, to disprove that it is not “frivolous, vexatious and abusive”, without the benefit of reference to evidence not yet filed.

Their Notice of Application can be viewed on the Constitutional Rights Centre website at:


Please watch the PRESS CONFERENCE video below.

Thank you for your continued and kind support of the CRC



Rocco Galati, BA, LLB, LLM, Executive Director

Published : APR 29 , 2021 | Vol. I Issue: 18

Police take Court Action against Ontario Government over COVID Measures Enforcement Duties

PUBLISHED: APRIL 29, 2021 | by the Constitutional Rights Centre


Ten (10) active, and five (5) retired, Police officers have launched an Application in Ontario Superior Court, to seek clarification, and challenge, the Province’s Covid-measures, and their enforcement, as breaching and violating their Police Oath which Oath includes upholding the Constitution.

Their Notice of Application can be viewed on the Constitutional Rights Centre website at:

Some of the Applicants will hold a brief press conference, along with their legal counsel, on: Thursday, April 29th at 4:30 p.m. EST

You can join in at:

Any questions may be directed to legal counsel at: Rocco Galati

Rocco Galati Law Firm Professional Corporation
Tel: (416) 530-9864

Thank you for your continued and kind support of the CRC


Rocco Galati, BA, LLB, LLM, Executive Director